Jean Droste's Enthusiasm is Driving Great Results

Enthusiastic employees promote excellence in the work. They’re likely to extend praise for a job well done, but it’s not done in flattery. Enthusiastic employees seek great results and make time to provide recognition when it occurs.

If the bar of excellence isn’t met, they’re open with the feedback and look for ways to improve.  This consistent demonstration of support builds trust among employees, and our enthusiastic employees are catalysts in creating it.

An Enthusiastic Display of Commitment

Jean Droste has created this impression upon her peers, and they’ve taken the time to recognize her during Q3. Here’s what they had to say…

  • Her impact on anything freight has been felt across the company. She has taken on extra responsibilities for Clean Laundry, which required investment of time in training other team members to support other duties within the finance team. Her impact on Clickstop has been felt greatly.
  • Since the day she started, Jean has demonstrated consistently she will go the extra mile to make an impact. She works extra to learn things quickly and takes on challenges with a positive attitude. Working freight, CL and TANQ accounting/bookkeeping, doing the monthly books for Clickstop Cares, Jean is involved in a lot of ways that supports and impacts others and keeps our engine humming.
  • Jean is willing to help any way possible, including projects and requests outside her job description. She seeks to understand what needs to be done and she gets it done, never not on time.
  • Jean lifts up everyone around her with her positivity and her smile.

Jean, thank-you for your continued demonstration of support for the success of our team. We are pleased to recognize you as one of our Q3 ‘Enthusiastic’ award winners. Well done!

The Interview

What is your role at Clickstop? 
Finance Specialist

How long have you worked at Clickstop?
3 years

What effect has this recognition had upon you?
Surprised and thankful for the people I get to work with. To be reminded that the work I do and how I do it has an impact on others is a great feeling.

How has our high expectation of aligned action with our Core Values impacted you inside and outside of work?
It has helped to be focused on the important things and to let go of little details that bog us down.  It reminds me of the book: “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”.

How have you taken ownership of your growth? 
I’ve taken ownership of my growth by being curious and asking questions inside and outside of work.  In genuinely seeking to learn about people and the work they do, and listening to their answers, I’ve grown in the service I provide to the Clickstop Team.

Who has helped to challenge and inspire your growth during your Clickstop journey? 
I’d like to first thank my Mom & Dad, my family, managers… oh wait, this isn’t a Hollywood award ceremony.  😊  Seriously though, I do agree with Eric, there are far too many people who have touched my journey.  It’s an expectation at Clickstop that we all participate in.  It’s rewarding to work with people who want to see each other succeed to their full potential.

What message do you have for your team members?
Keep being YOU!  Your uniqueness and talents bring joy to our workplace and always remember to SMILE.

What is one thing you loved as a child that today’s kids would know nothing about?
“Raking” the shag carpet in our living room and playing my Mattel Football 2 handheld game.

If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you choose to do?
I would want to be a NICU Nurse or a Kindergarten Teacher. Both would be so rewarding as the impact you have not only on the children but on families as well. Imagine the diversity of people you would learn about every day, exciting!

If you could be a member of any tv-sitcom family / group of friends, which would it be?
Any Family focused theme. It fits me as I grew up with 10 siblings. (Heartland, This is Us, The Waltons, The Brady Bunch.   Side note: my husband piped in on this one and said “The Golden Girls.”  He is now in the “doghouse”.  Hahaha)

Do you dance crazy when no one is looking?
Absolutely… even when people are looking!

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
The phone.  My favorite invention ever…keeps me connected to my family/friends.  I have always been fascinated by how our voices traveled through wires from around the country.. even more so with today’s technology.

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