Q3 Strategic Award Winner: Colton Radford

Clickstop Word of the Day

Strategic  |  stra·te·gic  (strə-tē′jĭk)

  • Seeking to understand our strategy, market, customers, and suppliers.
  • Understanding the ripple effect of your decisions/actions on profitability.
  • Pursuing new ideas and effectively communicating their significance.
  • Awareness of how your job performance directly impacts our customers.
  • Using hard data and facts to validate theories before making recommendations.
  • Colton Radford

Source: The Clickstop Code

In Q3, Colton Radford was awarded our Strategic Award for his willingness to take on new roles and ideas in pursuit of our goals. When you pair this passion with his intentionality, it’s no wonder his coworkers nominated him for this award!

At Clickstop, we are opportunity seekers who challenge ourselves and the company to be better today than we were yesterday. The work we do takes advantage of our entrepreneurial spirit to own and operate multiple brands. Colton embodied this spirit and researched a possible brand acquisition for Clickstop to pursue. After presenting his research and findings, he remained objective in his approach, when many would feel emotionally attached. He acknowledged that his impact would be greater if he provided support to one of our current brands instead of managing a new brand.

Colton approaches his work with a lot of thought, consideration, and strategy. He thinks about our different brands and the customer and considers not only how we can increase revenue but also how we can improve the customer experience.” – Nominator

Understanding the ripple effect his decisions make on his coworkers, the company, and our customers keeps Colton impartial and focused. He saw the impact he could make on our Pepper Joe’s brand and ran with it! “Using Amazon for Pepper Joe’s has huge potential,” explains Colton. “We’re essentially tapping into an entirely new audience for Pepper Joe’s that will not only add additional revenue but also create much greater brand awareness.”

By adding something new to his platethe scope of  his responsibilities had been expanded. Strategic thinking helps us prioritize and create opportunity for those who are seeking it. In Colton’s case, there were two new employees who were seeking opportunity and could take on two of the PPC (pay per click) accounts he managed. “Delegating and letting go of something I’ve spent so many hours developing was hard for me, but growth doesn’t occur without difficulties,” says Colton. “By taking that step, I’ve helped set others up for success while also freeing up my time for new endeavors.”  

There are chances for growth all around and at Clickstop we are proud to be surrounded by people who help ensure those opportunities align with our personal purpose.

Everyone at Clickstop wants to help put me in the best position to succeed. I appreciate that support often comes in the form of an open-ended questions, which allows me to navigate different opportunities. Together, we build a role that helped Clickstop meet and exceed its goals while providing me enjoyment on a personal level. That is pretty rare.” – Colton

Interested in working alongside strategic minds like Colton?

Get to Know Colton

What is your role at Clickstop?

Digital Acquisition Specialist

How long have you worked here?

Since November 2017 minus 1 Year

What emoji do you use most often?

I really don’t use them much (forget they exist sometimes). But I’ll still do the old 🙂 sometimes, which then auto converts to the standard smiley face emoji

What animal would you be and why?

Coyote. They’re pretty independent and shy around humans. But can show affection and care at times. 🐺

What is the coolest/craziest place you’ve ever visited?

Caye Caulker, Belize

What is one thing you loved as a child that today’s kids would know nothing about?

Pedal Tractors. I’m sure they still exist but I used to fill my pedal tractor wagon up with a load of bricks at home to “practice” for the kid pedal tractor pulls at the county fair.

If you could switch lives with one person for one day, who would you choose?

Elon Musk 🚀

Who or what inspires you?

My parents and my Oma (grandma)

What is your favorite activity that you do with your family or friends?

Kayaking 🚣‍♂️

What is the silliest way you’ve been injured?

I fell off a curb at a Labor Day Parade when I was little and needed stitches. I guess all that candy really made me lose sight of my own safety. 🍬 🍭 🍫

What do you dislike that everyone else seems to like?


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