Meet Our Talent Acquisition Specialists

Our Talent Acquisition Specialists will be a consistent presence during your experience exploring Clickstop.

To ensure we find the right people for the right seats, they are strategic partners with our Clickstop teams and brands.

Here’s your chance to get to know them, and see what they look for in a candidate.

Trisha Young

Photo of Trisha Young

Trisha is a strong connector who enjoys meeting people, seeing needs, and finding solutions. She feels blessed to have worked for organizations that believe in growth and have allowed her to drive toward work she is passionate about.

Her favorite conversations involve potential Clickstop employees who are finding their passion for the dynamic workplace we offer and want to be part of the impact being made by our brands.

She’s a mother of three boys and works hard to be an example of consistency to them. She is sustained by her faith and passionate about leading her boys to recognize God’s work all around them.

  • Solid understanding of the brands and work Clickstop has done in the past.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset that drives curiosity about Clickstop’s success.
  • Courageous communication that keeps company needs in the forefront

In one word, opportunity.

I love that Clickstop looks for opportunities in the people we talk to, those we do business with, and the communities where we do business.

The entrepreneurial spirit of the company allows us to walk toward those opportunities if they make sense for Clickstop.

This leads to an exciting and diverse product base and challenges each of us to think big!

Committed and aligned with the company’s mission, values, strategies, and goals.

A Community
Our values lead us to care both about the people we work with and the impact we can make.

Favorite quote

This is what God says,
the God who builds a road right through the ocean,
who carves a path through pounding waves,
The God who summons horses and chariots and armies—
they lie down and then can’t get up;
they’re snuffed out like so many candles:
“Forget about what’s happened;
don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?
There it is! I’m making a road through the desert,
rivers in the badlands.
The Message Isaiah 43: 16-19

Go to coffee order

Oat milk shaken espresso or Misto made with oat milk, extra foam, extra hot, and no sweetener

Carlyn Recker

Photo of Carlyn Recker

With a background in humans resources and a degree in Psychology from the University of Iowa, Carlyn brings a unique perspective to her recruitment efforts.

She enjoys making connections with candidates and seeing those connections build between the candidates, hiring teams, and Clickstop. She is a strategic partner who helps find the right person for the right seat at the company.

Carlyn enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, and playing with her German Shephard, Sinatra.


It is an excellent experience for our team members to speak with candidates who are so highly motivated and engaged that they are asking questions about the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of what Clickstop does. It takes time and energy on your part to get to this place of curiosity, and we appreciate that!


As Clickstoppers, we are confident in the mission and vision we are collectively working towards, and I look forward to you entering the conversation with similar energy about yourself. This will allow us to gather a clearer idea of our potential future partnership and how you will push us to grow as an organization.

As a Clickstopper, I enjoy being simultaneously challenged and supported by my leader, my team, and the organization.

To me, this experience means that my impact is felt, my potential is seen, and then the exciting question of, “So, what’s next? How do we make this even better?” is presented and I am part of the quest to make that happen.

Clickstop employees are diverse, resourceful, opportunistic, and highly motivated to pursue what will help themselves and the organization reach our goals and ultimately our mission.


Go to coffee order

Iced oat milk latte with a double shot and sprinkle of cinnamon

If you’re planning a road trip, what snack is packed, who are you bringing with you, and what music is playing?

Anything salty but if I had to choose, Baked Lays, my mom, and classic rock all the way!

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